segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2019

Sporavtrycket kom fram!

All truth is necessarely partial because non-partiality is by definition non-dual and therefore does not contain the distinction between truth and falsehood.

We are an expanding flow of perception. Experiences are the product of the fractioning of reality through perception. Reality is eternal, and when it's perceived from a fractioned, limited perception, then the illusion of time arises. All that is perceived fractionally manifests as experience, or as the perception of alternating contrasts. The speed of time is relative to the density of contrasts perceived in different segments of the scope of a limited perception. The more, the faster time appears to run at that segment. Contrasts are perceived passively and fractionally by the limited rante of our sensory organs, and are then attributed a meaning either by our ego, or by us, these flows of perception. The attribution of a meaning to a perceived contrasts results in an emotion, or patterns of experiences produced actively by our sensory organs, which roughly goes from pure bliss to suffering.

An unlimited perception does not contain the experience of suffering. Suffering is the product of the attribution of false meanings to perceived contrasts. False meanings are those that instead of integrating the perceived contrasts in the whole of existence, conceive them wrongly as separate entities. It's seeing them  not as an unique flow, but as unities. This generates further fracturing of perception and, therefore, suffering. Suffering in itself is perceived in contrast to happinness/bliss. Ending it is a matter of truly understanding that the difference between suffering and its absence is the same as falsehood and truth. It's always a matter of meaning attribution in relation to reality, which is unified. Of expanding perception instead of fracturing it into ever smaller pieces.

Meaning attribution can happen uncounsciously, according to a built-in algorithm that seeks to preserve our bodily integrity at all costs. It's the ego, as alluded earlier. As human societies get more and more complex, the ego, which has evolved to automatically attribute survival-oriented meanings in a context of a life as a hunger gatherer, starts resulting in very erroneous meaning associations that generate pain. This process can though be done counsciously too. What triggers this possibility is the fact that once the ego has accumulated so many false meanings that life becomes unbearble, the ego itself forces counsciousness to either awaken or, in much pain, abandon the body.

Only thoughts really hurt. And if they do, then it's because they are false. Don't believe in them. Look for another possible interpretation of whatever is going on until it feels good. Once it starts feeling good, then it means you've found a correct integrating perspective that you are supposed to have on it. Then you are in alignment. Then there is no suffering. There is integration of contrast, and with it the whole universe expands.

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